MAQOM Associates
Maqom: Judith Z. Abrams Jewish Learning is a non-profit organization. For information about tax-deductible contributions to Maqom: Judith Z. Abrams Jewish Learning, about becoming a Maqom Associate (a $36 or greater annual contribution), a lifetime Maqom Associate (a $360 or greater contribution), or for sponsoring a weekly Talmud portion please send email to Maqom or snail mail to P.O.Box 31900-323 Houston, TX 77231.
Please Note: The Tree of Life in the Maqom Associates list below denotes a Lifetime Associate.
Lifetime MAQOM Associates

David Abramowitz

Bernard and Shirley Abrams

Steven and Judith Abrams

Advisory Fund of the Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Kansas City

Stanford and Joan Alexander


Stacie E. Bahle

Shirley Barish

Shirley and Marvin Barish

Drs. Helene and Stephanie Jacobs-Skolik and Family, Mr. and Mrs. Seth Weisberg and Family, Ms. Pam Weisberg and Family

Christopher P. Benton

Lydia Bilton

Boston Strategic Partners, Inc.

Robert Brown

Meira Chamiel

Kirsten Coco

Congregation Beth Israel, Corpus Christi, Texas

Consumer Eyes, Inc.

Covenant Foundation

Rabbi Julie Hilton Danan

Elinor Dankner

Rabbi Joshua Davidson

Rabbi Richard Davis

Stuart Dow

Robert Dwek

Lee Egerton

Sharon and Gary Endelman

Andrew V. Ettin

Miri Fleming

Rabbi Karen Fox

Cantor Jordan Franzel

Rabbi Gordon Fuller

Ellen Glass

Ann Glazier in memory of Jeffrey Glazier

Len Goodman

Rabbi Roberto D. Graetz

Melissa Gregory

Dr. Razei Haimi-Cohen

Rabbi Robert Haas

Rabbi Geoffrey Huntting

Naomi Mara Hyman

J. Audrey Ickovits

The Jewish Federation Endowment Fund of San Antonio

Maurice Kamins Jr.

Laura Duhan Kaplan

Bernice Kaufman

Randall Kelso

Rabbi James Kessler

Rabbi Lynne Landsberg

Carla Longhofer

Babs and Bill Lowenstein Donor

Lowenstein Brothers Foundation

Glenn and Pam Lowenstein

Ms Kay Magilavy

Abby Michaleski

Rabbi Mark Miller

Nahariyah Mosenkis

Gary Nathanson

Stanley Novy, M.D. and Diane Novy, Ph.D.

Rabbi Wendy Pein

Steven Plumb

Rabbi Sarah Reines

Rabbi Louis A. Reiser

Eileen Rodgers

Rose Rose

Michael Rosen

Rabbi Dennis Ross

Rabbi Peter J. Rubinstein

Rabbi Steven J. Rubenstein

The Samuels Foundation (J. Victor and Barbara G. Samuels)

Robert Saunders, L.P.C.

Thomas G. Shafer, M.D.

Nahalat Shalom

Sondra Shapiro

Cathy Schechter

Susan L. Schley

Rabbi Judy Schindler

Rabbi Adrienne Scott

Jeffrey Schulman

The Schulweis Family Foundation

Edward Selig

Rabbi David J. Seligson

Thomas Shafer

Nahalat Shalom

Debrah A. Shenefelt

Arthur Sigel

Edward S. Stafman

Gary Stein

Robin and Brad Stein

Howard Stern

Beverly Sufian

Barbara Sussman

Rabbi Joshua Taub

Orna Trigubeff

Joe and Jeanie Victor

Daniela and Erik Weil

Rabbi Paula Jayne Winnig

Joel S. Winograd

Lucy M. Zabarenko

Jonathan Zasloff

2013 Maqom Associates
Shulamit Fagan
Rabbi Ilana Goldhaber-Gordon, Ph.D., Congregation Etz Chayim
Rabbi Min Kantrowitz
Stanly Novey
Gary Raffel
Rabbi Harry Rosenfeld
Wendy Suttin
Leslie Weiner
2012 Maqom Associates
Rabbi Jordana Battis
Rabbi Joe Blair
Dottie Clemmer
Elinor Dankner, M.D.

Michelle Dannemiller
Kathryn Dreyfus
Mark Frydenberg
Rabbi Alan Greenbaum
Jamie Grossman
Rachel Gutow-Ellis
Karen Harberg
Patricia Hasson-Owens
Dale and Kim Haufrecht
Renee Helfman
Sid Kleiner
Rabbi David Meyer
Eric Miller
Rabbi Heather Miller
Nahariyah Mosenkis
Rabbi Franklin W. Muller
Ricardo Portal
Barbara Rosenfeld
Rabbi Judith Schindler
Jerold Shpargel
Rabbi A. Brian Stoller
Heather Westendarp
2011 Maqom Associates

Susan Brookman
Rabbi Richard Davis

Tamar Earnest, M.D.
Rabbi Karen Fox

Rabbi Jimmy Kessler

Judy Morris
Ricardo Portal
Michael Rosen

Cathy Schechter

Tom Shafer, M.D.

2010 Maqom Associates

Lydia Bilton

Rabbi Karen Fox

Rabbi Gordon Fuller

Rabbi Robert Haas

Dr. Raziel Haimi-Cohen
Rabbi Geoffrey Huntting

Lowenstein Brothers Foundation

Glenn Lowenstein

Ms Kay Magilavy

Rabbi Mark Miller

Marian Moore
Suzi Neft
Michael Rosen

Thomas G. Shafer, M.D.

Cathy Schechter

Rabbi Adrienne Scott

Barbara Sussman

Jonathan Zasloff

2009 Maqom Associates

Christopher P. Benton
Sulamit Fagan
Rabbi Karen Fox

Rabbi Karen Fox
Rabbi Gordon Fuller

Rabbi Linda Goodman
Karen Hammer
Lester and Nacy Lockspeiser
Judith Lyons
Kay Magilavy
Dr. Jason Mann
Marian Moore
Drs. Stanley and Diane Novy
Ricardo Portal
Rabbi Louis and Connie Reiser
Michael Rosen

Michael Rosen
Cathy Schechter

Jeffrey Schulman

Thomas Shafer

Thomas Shafer
Lori Shaller
Mrs. Patrice Spitz
Meir Stone
Thomas G., M.D.
Lucy Zabarenko

Rain Zohav
2008 Maqom Associates
Rabbi Gordon Fuller

Melissa Gregory

Dr. Raziel Haimi-Cohen
Randall Kelso

Abbe Lyons
Judith Lyons
Abby Michaleski

Nahariyah Mosenkis

Ricardo Portal
Dr. Gary Raffel
Rabbi Louis Reiser

Eileen Rodgers

Eileen Rodgers
Charles Rosenblum
The Samuels Foundation

Cathy Schechter

Sybil and Charley Schwartz
Tom Shafer
Edward S. Stafman

Aimee Strunk
Aimee and M.H. Strunk Jr.
Orna Trigubeff

Heather Westendarp
2007 Maqom Associates
Lee Egerton
Marvin Kamp
Rabbi Andrew Klein
Rabbi Marc Kline
Rabbi Eric Lazar
Hans and Marge Mayer
Rabbi Saul Osadchey
Rabbi Audrey S. Pollack
Ricardo Portal
Monica Solomon
Nancy and Fred Stowe
Sam Strum
Leslie and Sanford Weiner
2006 Maqom Associates
Robert Brown
Edwards Buice
Dr. Raziel Haimi-Cohen
Dorit Ori Har
Linda Kates
Eve and Robert Lapin
Laura C. Laviage
Hope and Jerome Lipnick
Marian D. Moore
Sybil and Charles Schwartz
Laurie Morgan Silver
Meir Stone
Sanfrod and Lesie Weiner
2005 Maqom Associates
Olga and Carl Bassewitz
Hanna Berger
Robert Brown
Linda Burrell
Dorothy Clemmer
Marcia Gilbert
Peter A. Gray
Cindy Harris
Karen S. Hurwitz
Dr. Kalman Kafetz
Freda Katz
Suzanne Korn
Kurt and Ilana Lothman
Judith S. Lyon
Marian D. Moore
MJ and Tony Newman
Stanley and Diane Novy
Sylvia Brown Olivetti
Ricardo Portal
Charlie Rosenblum
Hazzan Sunny Schnitzer
Thomas Shafer
Jim Tobias
Mark Torche
Leslie Weiner in honor of Rabbi Abrams
Dr. Annette Weinstein
2004 Maqom Associates
Stacie E. Bahle
Christopher P. Benton, Ph.D.
Stephen Berer
William Bernstein and Marrianne Borgardt
Lynn F. Borker
Robert Brown
Reverend Patricia Clark
Eli Cohen
Elinor Dankner
The Ellman Family Philanthropic Fund of the Columbus Jewish Foundation
Gary, Sharon, Yoni and Gabby Endelman
The Falmouth Jewish Congregation of East Falmouth, Maine
Marcia Gilbert
Judith Goleman
Nathan H. Gordon
Karen Greenspan
Cindy Harris
Dr. Kalman Kafetz
Rabbi Andrew F. Klein
Burt Kobylivker
Rabbi Elias Lieberman
Sylvia B. Olivetti
Ricardo Portal
Gayle and Richard Rockoff
St. Stephen's Episcopal Church
Shalom Schachter
Susan L. Schley
Rabbi Mark Dov Shapiro
Rabbi Joshua Taub
Ms. JudyRey Wasserman
Dr. Annette Weinstein
Gaye Weintraub
Lee Wunsch
Theresa Wyszkowski
Lucy Zabarenko
Mimi Zarenchansky
2003 Maqom Associates
Gloria Rose Barsky
Shirley Burkom
Stuart Dow
Richard and Carol Emery
Mark Frydenberg
Joyce Gilbert
The Glenn L. Lowenstein Philanthropic Fund of the Houston Jewish Community Foundation
Lynn Gordon and Hy Penn in honor of Dan Gordon's birthday
Professor Wendy J. Gordon
Rabbi H. Greenstein
Jonathan Gruenhut
Karen McFadden
Stephen Miller and Stephen Stein
Marian Moore
Dr. Eliot Percelay and Life Associates
Ricardo Portal
Susan Rojo
Rabbi Rutenberg of Gesher
Susan L. Schley
Rabbi Schoenberg of Gesher
Lynne J. Schpero
Barbara S. Sussman

Sanford and Leslie Weinerin memory of Thea Cooper
2002 Maqom Associates
Robert Brown
Linda Burrell
William A. Carpenter
Marie Countiss
Doris M. Edut
Joyce Gilbert
Professor Laura Duhan Kaplan
Anna M. Lewis
Sylvia Brown Olivetti
Ricardo Portal
Thomas G. Shafer, M.D.
Judith G. Stoloff
Barbara Sussman

Lucy Zabarenko
2001 Maqom Associates
Martha Barvin in honor of her family: Mark, Eric, Josh and Daniel Barvin
Elmo Blay
Marie Countiss
Elinor Dankner, M.D.
Lee Egerton
Marc S. Ehrlich
Rabbi Daniel B. Fink
Rabbi Karen Fox and Michael Rosen
Joyce Gilbert
Rabbi Sheila Goloboy
Suzanne Korn
Rabbi Howard O. Laibson
Marian Moore in honor of Rabbi Murray Blackman
Deborah Newman, M.D.
Sylvia Brown Olivetti
Ricardo and Eliz Portal
Robert M. Saunders
Rabbi Susan Stone
Barbara S. Sussman

Leslie Weiner
Rabbi Joel Wittstein
Rabbi Danny G. Zemel
2000 Maqom Associates
Robert C. Brown
Marie Countiss
Elinor Dankner
Rabbi Karen L. Fox and Michael Rosen
Shirley Barish's 75th birthday and in honor of 18 years of The V'Shinantam,
In honor of Rabbi Jill Hammer receiving s'michah from the Jewish Theological Seminary,
and Wishes for peace and healing for Rabbi Judy Abrams
Suzanne D. Hirshberg
Toby Hudson
Lawrence M. Jackson
Anna M. Lewis
Gail Loyd
Rabbi Stacy Offner
Sylvia Brown Olivetti
Eliot E. Percelay
Eliz Portal
Ricardo A. Portal
Thomas Shafer
Rabbi Mark Dov Shapiro
Norman Sider
Sidney and Carolyn Starrels
Rabbi Daniel Zemel
Lt. Col. Ret. Meyer D. Zuckerman
1999 Maqom Associates
Sylvia Brown
James Brule
Dorothy Clemmer
Seth Coren, M.D.
Mariee Countiss
Gary and Sharon Endelman
Joyce Gilbert
Judith Goldman
Cary Gottlieb
Dr. Raziel Haimi-Cohen
Rabbi Howard Jaffee
Andy Klein
Annette Koch
Suzanne Korn
Honey Leone
Anna Lewis
Mark Liebowitz
Lou Maze
Marian Moore in memory of Ms. Katrina Staack
Deobrah C. Newman, M.D.
Sylvia Brown Olivetti
Eliot E. Percelay, M.D.
Ricardo Portal
Triple S Steel
Barbara Schwartz
Annette and Bernie Weinstein
1998 Maqom Associates
Joan Alexander
Plonit Almonit
Suellyn Bache
Martha Barvin
Christopher P. Benton
Sylvia Brown
Eric J.G. Bonnell
Jim Brule
Nada Chandler
Shasten Coco
Mrs. Roslyn Cohan
Congregation Beth Israel, San Diego

Tony Contreras
Elinor Dankner
Lee Egerton
Paula Eisenstin-Baker
Rabbi Arthur W. Fletcher
Mark Frydenberg
Joyce Gilbert
Anthony A. Gottlieb
Cary Gottlieb and Carol Gamber
Bonnie Graff
Rivka Greenberg
Tsvi Greenberg
Seth Harrison
Tom Hope
Leo Jed
Bernice Kaufman
Rabbi James Kessler (matching donation received from the Harris and Eliza Kempner Fund)
H. Durel Kirby
Rabbi Bonnie Koppell, Temple Beth Sholom, Mesa, AZ
Honey Leone
Anita Lewis
William and Gloria Lewitt
Solomon J. Lirtzman
Gail Loyd
Michael Lotker
Susan B. Lynch
Stephen A. Miller
Jeanne T. McConnell
Drs. Stanley and Diane Novy
Elinor Ortel
Elliot Perceley
Dianne Portnoy
Rabbi Richard S. Rheins, Temple David, Monroeville, PA
Rose Rose
Cheryl and Michael Rubenstein Philanthropic Fund of the Endowment Fund of the Jewish Community of Houston
Lynn Saul
Rabbi Marc Dov Shapiro
Robin Schling
Rabbi Arlene M. Schuster
Thomas G. Shafer, M.D.
Rabbi Judy Shanks
Dennis Shulman, Ph.D.
Harvey Slater, M.D.
Robert Slater
Howard Sontz
Temple Beth Hillel, Valley Village, California (Rabbi Paul J. Kipnes)
Triple-S Steel
Bernie and Annette Weinstein
Marcia Goren Weser
Joel Winograd
Lt. Col. (Ret.) Meyer Zuckerman

(top) Dona Gracia Mendes by Barbara Mendes
(bottom) Mazel Tov - It's A Bar Mitzvah! by Charles Fazzino